
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

214 for 2014

Well, here it is, my list of what I want to accomplish in 2014. Thinking of 214 things I want to do was actually pretty difficult and I had to start thinking outside the box and my comfort zone.  I could barely come up with 100 so as the year goes on I will just add to it.

1. Take a road trip
2. Change my hairstyle.
3. Find my niche.
4. Become a vegetarian for a month.
5. Go on The Ellen Show.
6. Say yes for an entire day.
7. Become a better cook.
8. Set new PR's at Crossfit.
9. Create a photo journal.
10. Go iceskating.
11. Buy a homeless person lunch.
12. Win a prize playing "the claw".
13. Save save save money. 
14. Host a dinner party.
15. Get a passport.
16. Get better at this whole blogging thing.
17. Read an entire book series.
18. Compete in Tough Mudder.
19. Complete 21 Pinterest projects.
20. Take photography class.
21. Get a tattoo.
22. Visit a new state.
23. Go to a Yankees game.
24. Watch the top 10 most romantic movies.
25. Be more organized.
26. Buy people a round of drinks at the bar.
27. Watch an entirely new TV series.
28. Visit a new country.
29. Cook every recipe in a cook book.
30. Help at a dog shelter.
31. Watch a meteor shower.
32. Eat a food a city is famous for (Chicago style pizza, Philly cheese steak, etc.)
33. Eat from a food truck.
34. Learn to eat with chop sticks.
35. Make a donation.
36. Send a message in a bottle.
37. Have Channing Tatum tweet me.
38. Go snowboarding. 
39. Go to a farmer's market.
40. Go paint balling.
41. Celebrate my half birthday.
42.Reach 10,000 blog views.
43. Try sushi.
44. Start yoga.
45. Participate in a charity walk.
46. Make a pizza from scratch.
47. Plant a garden.
48. Win something.
49. Make a new friend.
50. Go white water rafting.
51. Give blood for the first time.
52. Go to Arlington Memorial.
53. Bake a cake from scratch.
54. Go grocery shopping using only coupons.
55. Go apple picking.
56. Learn to say hello in 20 different languages.
57. Donate clothes to a women's shelter.
58. Go a week without cursing.
59. Give up soda.
60. Learn how to do my own taxes.
61. Take an IQ test.
62. Participate in Chat Roulette.
63. Sneak into a second movie at the theaters.
64. Win atleast $25 playing the slots.
65. Take a Zumba class.
66. Go antiquing.
67. Refinish a piece of furniture.
68. Buy something I don't need and can't really afford.
69. Try a new sport.
70. Test drive a luxury car.
71. Ride a train somewhere.
72. Take a road trip with my family.
73. Learn a magic trick.
74. Learn to shoot a bow.
75. Go to a comedy show.
76. Learn to mix drinks.
77. Show Tyler home state of Jersey.
78. Get a extremely generous tip at work, $50+
79. Go to a circus. 
80. Go an entire day without knowing the time.
81. Make an awesome Halloween costume.
82. Meet someone famous.
83. Bake an entire pie from scratch.
84. Complete a jigsaw book.
85. Read all the Nicholas Sparks books again.
86. Finish the kitchen.
87. Finish the guest bathroom.
88. Meal plan for an entire year. 
89. Attempt to snowboard.
90. Get a 4.0 spring semester and fall.
91. Run in at least 5 5ks.
92. Keep up with the blog.
93. Win big at the casino. 
94. Go to Dinsey World.
95. Dye my hair red. 
96. Blake Shelton concert. 
97. Get my acceptance letter to Hogwarts.
98. Ride a mechanical bull. 
99. Go wine tasting at a vineyard.
100. Bid at an auction.
101. Be my own boss. 
102. Have a paint war.
103. Go to a hockey game.
104. Grow my nails out.
105. Go to a theme park.
106. Learn archery.
107. Attend midnight premiere.
108. Go zip lining.
109. Be able to do handstand push-ups. 
110. Repaint master bedroom.
111. Learn how to do the smokey eye.
112. Meet baby Luke.
113. Visit Tree Hill NC.
114. Go to Vegas.
115. Stay in Ceasars Palace. 
116. Bungee jump off building/bridge.

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